About Me

Nicole Verzaro focuses her photographic work on the event and the encounter, conceptualizing photography as a participatory and relational experience. Her approach, spontaneous yet deeply rooted in philosophical reflection, explores the photographic gesture as an act of connection with the surrounding world.

In 2017, while studying Philosophy at La Sapienza University in Rome, she attended the Accademia Fotografica di Roma, merging philosophical reflection with photographic practice. She completed her academic journey with the thesis Onto(photo)graphy: for a new topology of perception, in which she reinterprets photography from an ontological perspective.

Among the key experiences for her artistic growth are a period in Berlin in 2019, where she discovered and embraced street photography as a spontaneous and immediate style, and a formative experience at the International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York in 2022.
Nicole does not define herself by a specific photographic style, but rather adopts a method that manifests whenever the force of an encounter takes shape. The term fotografismo, coined by her, describes the essential practice of photography: a pure participatory gesture, in which the composition of bodies and objects becomes an art of encounter and relationship.

“The photographic act is not a stance in front of the world or towards an object: it is from the darkest and most unconscious depths of the body that the photographic gesture is generated,” she writes in her academic research at the end of her studies. Her works have been exhibited in Rome in private and collective exhibitions, solidifying her presence in the contemporary photographic scene.

She has worked commercially with artists for Amazon Prime, forMaciste Dischi and Vivo Concerti, adapting her authorial vision to the needs of creative and promotional projects.
